Monday, October 22, 2012

Vocabulary list #8

Flout- to openly disregard a rule or law.
Caveat- a special exception.
Blazon- make something more appealing.
Filch- to steal something of small value in a casual way.
Fractious- easily irritated.
Equitable- fair and impartial.
Autonomy- freedom
Amnesty- an officail pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses.
Axiomatic- self-evident or unquestionable.
Extricate- free from a constraint of difficulty.
Soporific- tending to introduce drowsiness or sleep.
Scathing-severly critical.
Unwieldy- uncomfortable to carry.
Vapid- offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.
Pronosticate- to fortell an event that has yet to happen.
Sepulchral- gloomy. Or referring to a tomb.
Salutary- beneficial
Straitlaced- exaggeratedly proper. 
Scourge- to whipe someone as punishment.
Precept- a rule intended to regulate behaivor or thought.
Transient- lasting for only a short time.


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