Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Vocabulary list #3

1. Ecomium-A speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly.
    Lots of people are writing ecomiumist speeches for the presidential candidates.
2. Cohort-A group of people banded together or treated as a group.
    Sports teams are a an example or a cohort.
3. Belabor-To argue or elaborate in excessive detail.
    There is lots of belaboring in congress.
4. Eschew-Deliberately avoid.
    Sometimes I eschew my homework to watch my favorite tv show.
5. Acquisitive-Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.
    When it comes to money I am very acquisitive.
6. Emulate-Match or surpass (a person or achievement) typically by imitation.
    I want to emulate my favorite athlete whenever I play a sport.
7. Arrogate-Take or claim something for oneself without justification.
8. Banal-So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
    Dr.Prestons class is completely the opposite of banal.
9. Excoriation-Where the skin is torn or worn off.
    I had many excoriations after football practice.
10. Congeal-Solidify or coagulate especially by cooling.

11. Carping-Difficult to please.
      My mother is quite carping
12. Substantiate-Provide evidence to support or prove the truth.
      The evidence substantiated my theory.
13. Temporize-Avoid making a decision or commiting oneself in order to gain time.
       I usually Temporize myself so I can focus on one thing.
14. Largesse-Generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others.
      My grandpa is a very largesse person.
15. Tenable-Able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
       I am tenable!
16. Reconnaissance-Preliminary surveying or research.
      The enemy sent a reconnaissance team to bring back information.
17. Germane-Relevant to a subject under consideration.
       I enjoy talking about things German to sports.
18. Ramify-Cause to branch or spread out.
      My brothers fart caused us to Ramify away from him.
19. Intransigent-Unwilling or refusing to change one's views.
      My dad is intransigent and stubborn.
20. Taciturn-Reserved or uncommunicative in speech.
      There are lots of taciturn people in my English class.
21. Invidious-Unfairly discriminating;unjust
      Sadly there are some invidious people in the world.


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