Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Vocabulary list #9

bosom- close to the heart.
prudently- Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
inveterate- hibitually
propensity- natural tendency to behave in a particular way.
repose- state of rest.
stripling- youth.
sequester- isolate
purport- to intend
imbibed-drink in
apparition- vision of something supernatural
incessant- on going (annoying)
cognomen- name
reverie-trance/ dream-like state
gambol- to frolick or play
spectre- a ghost you can see
tarry- to linger
[Hessian]- German mercenary in civil war

Monday, October 29, 2012

First impressions on Legend Of The Sleepy Hollow

From what we have read so far the story seems interesting. I can't wait to find out what happens next and to learn more about the character as we get further along in the story. Here's a website I found that shows you the different storytelling techniques the author uses in the story.

Unfamiliar Vocabulary Words

Monday, October 22, 2012

Vocabulary list #8

Flout- to openly disregard a rule or law.
Caveat- a special exception.
Blazon- make something more appealing.
Filch- to steal something of small value in a casual way.
Fractious- easily irritated.
Equitable- fair and impartial.
Autonomy- freedom
Amnesty- an officail pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses.
Axiomatic- self-evident or unquestionable.
Extricate- free from a constraint of difficulty.
Soporific- tending to introduce drowsiness or sleep.
Scathing-severly critical.
Unwieldy- uncomfortable to carry.
Vapid- offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.
Pronosticate- to fortell an event that has yet to happen.
Sepulchral- gloomy. Or referring to a tomb.
Salutary- beneficial
Straitlaced- exaggeratedly proper. 
Scourge- to whipe someone as punishment.
Precept- a rule intended to regulate behaivor or thought.
Transient- lasting for only a short time.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The never ending debate

Proof I watched!
Some of the errors I noticed was by both candidates. They both studder a lot and when the subject of guns came up Romney brought up schools? When Obama 's turn was up he went on an extra 2 minutes blabbering on about something I couldn't  follow. These debates are confusing and hard to follow!


1) Discuss the meaning of the verse preceding the essay.
- A man should always speak his mind.
- A man shnies on his own. Inside all of us lies a soul that will or will not produce a perfect person. It is up to us.

2)  Looking at the entire essay, what does Emerson mean by self-reliance? Summarize his main points.
- The need for an individual to avoid conformity and false consistancy and follow his or her instincts and ideas.

3) What does a person realize in some moment in his or her education.
- You can gain an understanding of why and what you area learning.
- Each person's voice can be as important as the great men of history.

4) Interpret the following quote, " the eye was placed where one rey should fall, that it might testify of that particular rey".
- People were sent to do a certain thing and be comfortable about it.
- Where we put our focus is where we win.

5) What does Emerson mean by devine idea that each of us represent.
- Everyone has something to offer.

6) Explain the significance of the iron string, why not silken, golden, or silver string?
- Iron represents strength. Very tough and difficult to break.

7) Define trancendentlism.
- To go up and beyond and rebel in education.

8) Interpret: society everywhere is in conspiracy against the man-hood of everyone of its members.
- The influences of one mans beliefs may effect another mans self-reliance.

9) Explain: the virtue in most request is conformity, self-reliance is its aversion.
- Strong feelings and opinions in what you believe in.

10) Interpret the metaphor, " A foolish consistancy is the hob-goblin of little minds adored by little statesmen and philosophers and devines."
- The more a task is performed the more a person continues to perform that task.

11) Discuss the use of the simile, "words as hard as cannon balls".
- Critizism is hard.

12) Answer Emerson, write your response to the essay.

- Emerson talks about "Self-Reliance". The definition I got out of it was relying on yourself to make the right decisions and not be influenced by others and their self-reliance. At first glance this essay was too confusing to follow but once I read closely I understood Emerson's main points and it all clicked.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Vocabulary list #7

ad infinitum- to infinity; having no limit.
apportion- to divide and assign according to a plan.
bona fide- made or carried out in good faith.
buoyant- cheerful or resilient.
clique- a small exclusive group of friends or associates.
concede- to yield or grant a privilege or right.
congenial- having the same tastes, habits, or temperament; sympathetic.
lofty- arrogant
migration- the act or instance of migrating.
percieve- to achieve understanding of something.
perverse- directed away from what is right or good.
prelude- introduction
rancid- having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats.
rustic- a person regarded as crude, coarse, or simple.
sever- to set or keep apart; divide or seperate.
sordid- filthy or dirty
untenable- being such that defense or maintenance is impossible
versatile- capable of doing many things.
vindicate- to provide justification or support for.
wane- to approach an end.

Manifest- in the world

Contemporary- modern/ of our own time.

Predominate- dominant in the majority.

Transcendent- characteristic of going above limitation or rules.

Benefactor- someone who is helpful and generous.

Conformity- the condition of shaping yourself to something else.

Aversion- a strong feeling of dislike.

Suffrage- the right to be heard. (Voting)

Inaudible- unable to be heard.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Midterm reflection

a) What went well?  b) What didn't go well?  c) How much of the content will stick with you?  d) What can you learn from the experience to improve for next time?

A) not much /:
B) everything really :(
C) I think everything I studied will stick because I didn't study all of the words but the ones I did I studied a lot.
D) this experience really showed me how much effort I really had to put in and what I needed to do to be successful in the future.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Vocabulary mid-term study plan

The plan is to take all the vocabulary words from all the previous lists, alphabetize them and then study them until I feel comfortable enough to take a practice test. I'll have my brother/sister/parents whoever pick 20 words at random and if I can match the right words to the right definition ill know I'm ready but if not I will know that I need to study some more.