Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fall list #2

1. Intercede- to plead on the behalf of someone else.
Example: I had to intercede for my friend in court.
2. Hackenyed- used so often as lack of freshness or originality.
Example: this debut mystery is as hackneyed as it is implausible.
3. Approbation- the expression of approval or favorable opinion.
Example: there just isn't enough outside approbation.
4. Innuendo- a hint, indirect suggestion or reference.
Example: there is no point in replying to this kind of innuendo.
5. Coalition- a combination, union or merger for some specific purpose.
Example: funding can come from a coalition
6. Elicit- to draw forth, bring out from some source.
Example: while I was taking my test I had to elicit the information from my head.
7. Hiatus- a gap or opening.
Example: I am currently starting over after a long hiatus.
8. Assuage- to make easier or milder, to relieve; to quiet,calm, to put to and end.
Example: maybe writing about him will assuage some of the loneliness.
9. Decadence- a condition or period of decline or decay.
Example: the great depression was a decadence in US history.
10. Expostulate- to attempt to dissuade someone from course or decision by earnest reasoning.
Example: when someone tries to convince you about something thing without forcing you is being expostulate.
11. Simulate- to make a pretense of, imitate or to show the outer signs of.
Example: I simulated my games on madden for my ps3.
12. Jaded- wearied, worn out, or dulled.
Example: I have a pair of old and jaded jeans.
13. Umbrage- shade castes by trees; foliage casting shade; an over shadowing influence or power.
Example: I like to lay under the umbrage of trees and sleep.
14. Prerogative- a special right or privilege, a special quality showing excellence.
Example: because I passed my drivers test I received gas money for a prerogative.
15. Lurid- causing shock, horror or revulsiony sensational.
Example: on Halloween me and my sister scared my friend causing him to have a lurid look on his   face.
16. Transcend- to rise above or beyond.
Example: Madden 13 transcended last years game.
17. Provincial- pertaining to an outlying area; local, narrow in mind or outlook.
Example: I can go on google maps and see a provincial map of our town.
18. Petulant- peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset.
Example: my mother is petulant.
19. Unctuous- trying too hard to give an impression sincerely or piety.
Example: when fathers meet their daughters boyfriends the boy usually acts nervous and unctuous.
20. Meritorious-Worthy, deserving recognition and praise.
Example: after I passes my drivers test I was treated with meritorious gifts

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tone and mood of "Earth On Turtles Back"

The Earth On Turtles Back is a myth written to explain why there is clouds in the sky, earth on the ground and why turtles have those weird designs on their shells. The tone toward the characters in the myth was kind. The author made the animals nice and helpful. The tone toward the subject was purposeful, the author made everything that happend in the story have a reason behind it that explains why things are a certain way. And finally the tone toward the audience was helpful and passionate. The author explained it in a way that would allow children to understand it so the myth could be understood and appreciated by people of a wide range or age.The mood of the story was cheerful. When I read it I kinda felt like I was watching a cartoon. I imagined the skyland as this huge area covered by 4 large clouds (roots) and the water being a ginormous ocean with birds and other animals in the water. When the chief's wife fell, all the animals rushed to help her and like in many cartoons the underdog of the story, in this case the muskrat received his moment to shine and prove he could do it. At the end all the animals had to work together to accomplish the task. Again like in a cartoon :).

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Seminar reflection

The purpose of arguing is to find the truth or to come closer to finding the truth.

Today in class when we went around in the circle and gave our input on the subject was really cool. It was mostly the same people speaking up but I hope that changes for the sake of the class and the purpose of those activities.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflections on week 1

1. My iPod allows me to access my blog and let's me view Dr.prestons blog to see our assignments. What will be a hassle is football practice :(. It takes up about 20 hours a week and I do my best to stay focused on my studies.

2. The best learning experience I have ever had was in 6th grade. Me and my friends were hanging out in front of a 7/11 and we see this individual with a mental disability walk in the store. We smiled Nd acknowledged him then just kept talking with one another. We then notice that inside the store there were 2 teenagers making fun of the guy we saw to a point where that individual was almost in tears. We rushed into the store and asked them to stop but like I said I was in 6th grade and teenagers don't give a crap what we said. Fortunately the person working at the 7/11 spoke up and put those punks in there place. I learned that just because someone is different than you, you can't pick on them and make them feel lesser than you. Also if you ever see someone getting picked on you should stand up for them and for your belief that no one is better than any other person.

3. I'm excited for this class because like I've said in my other blog posts, it's something different and fun! I have no concerns about this class. As long as I work hard and do my best I should be fine :). I'm looking forward to learning all these big vocabulary words and learning how to read a poem, story or myth and being able to understand it in depth. This class will help me prepare for later in life by getting me use to using all my free time for school. Having to check the blog post the assignments on my blog makes it more challenging than doing traditional bookwork and that's good because I get more out of it.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Vocabulary quiz #1 redux

This school year is the same than the past two years. I look around the quad and see the groups of kids that have one popular kid at the center of the circle who gets treated like the apotheosis of the group. I think back to my previous years here and I realize that freshman year is when I began to burgeon. Now i"m an upper classman and i'm starting to find out that there isn't much time left before I graduate and have to grow up. I hope this year I can continue to be a focused and respectful young man and not be a contumacious or a curmudgeon kid like so many others. I like most of my teachers this year. Some are fun,nice, and extremely energetic and others are boring and didactic. The first week of school all of the teachers adumbrated the coming year in their class. All the stuff they throw at you may be beguile but eventually you learn how to enjoy the class and not be ascetic.

Extra credit

I know i did not get this post up early enough but i was working on my vocabulary quiz :(. One thing i want to improve this year is my cooperation with the class and involvment in class activities. This class allows every student to socialize online with other students and discuss the given assignments. This class has so many benefits for all us students and I am very glad to be taking this class. Thank you Dr.Preston for giving us the choice to pick bewteen the old boring english way and this fun new way.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Assignment #1

To be completely honest I took this class because I thought it was going to be another easy English class where we just read a couple stories and take tests on them. On the first day of school I found out that I was 100% wrong! But I'm happy that I was. I'm excited to do something new for once. School Has always been bookwork for me so being able to do this class online is AWESOME because I'm always on my iPod and it's really convenient. What I'm nervous about is being able to figure out how to use it. I've never had a blog and I'm nervous but also anxious to see how this will work out. I hope to learn to be more interactive with classmates and my teacher. My main goal right now is to get a good grade in this class and have a fun time doing it! Oh and I really want to find out more about project infinity because it sounds really cool! This class has already improved my knowledge and thinking by showing me that class can be fun and that we are not restricted to the class room to learn and socialize with our classmates. It's changed the way I look at school completely and makes me feel like this coming year is going to be a good one.