Fall list #2
1. Intercede- to plead on the behalf of someone else.
Example: I had to intercede for my friend in court.
2. Hackenyed- used so often as lack of freshness or originality.
Example: this debut mystery is as hackneyed as it is implausible.
3. Approbation- the expression of approval or favorable opinion.
Example: there just isn't enough outside approbation.
4. Innuendo- a hint, indirect suggestion or reference.
Example: there is no point in replying to this kind of innuendo.
5. Coalition- a combination, union or merger for some specific purpose.
Example: funding can come from a coalition
6. Elicit- to draw forth, bring out from some source.
Example: while I was taking my test I had to elicit the information from my head.
7. Hiatus- a gap or opening.
Example: I am currently starting over after a long hiatus.
8. Assuage- to make easier or milder, to relieve; to quiet,calm, to put to and end.
Example: maybe writing about him will assuage some of the loneliness.
9. Decadence- a condition or period of decline or decay.
Example: the great depression was a decadence in US history.
10. Expostulate- to attempt to dissuade someone from course or decision by earnest reasoning.
Example: when someone tries to convince you about something thing without forcing you is being expostulate.
11. Simulate- to make a pretense of, imitate or to show the outer signs of.
Example: I simulated my games on madden for my ps3.
12. Jaded- wearied, worn out, or dulled.
Example: I have a pair of old and jaded jeans.
13. Umbrage- shade castes by trees; foliage casting shade; an over shadowing influence or power.
Example: I like to lay under the umbrage of trees and sleep.
14. Prerogative- a special right or privilege, a special quality showing excellence.
Example: because I passed my drivers test I received gas money for a prerogative.
15. Lurid- causing shock, horror or revulsiony sensational.
Example: on Halloween me and my sister scared my friend causing him to have a lurid look on his face.
16. Transcend- to rise above or beyond.
Example: Madden 13 transcended last years game.
17. Provincial- pertaining to an outlying area; local, narrow in mind or outlook.
Example: I can go on google maps and see a provincial map of our town.
18. Petulant- peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset.
Example: my mother is petulant.
19. Unctuous- trying too hard to give an impression sincerely or piety.
Example: when fathers meet their daughters boyfriends the boy usually acts nervous and unctuous.
20. Meritorious-Worthy, deserving recognition and praise.
Example: after I passes my drivers test I was treated with meritorious gifts